Donations and Recyling of Fishing Gear

In an effort to further help those in need and to reduce the amount items being sent to the landfill, the Chapter has started a recycling program for fishing equipment and accessories.  We want your old line, hooks, lures, weights, waders, vests, poles, fly tying materials, and anything else related to fishing.

We all have items that are stored away in the back of a closet or in a box under the bed.  These items may not be of any use to us anymore but we just haven’t thrown them away and we don’t want you to throw them away.  Give the items to us and we will use them in our programs, donating them to others who may need them, or selling them to raise funds for the Chapter.  We are also collecting your items that are broken and can be recycled (old fishing line, lead weights, hooks, old broken lures, etc).    Give these items to us and we will see that they are properly recycled and not sitting in the landfill.

We have been very fortunate to have had significant donations made to the Chapter over the last year. Because we no longer host the Trout Kickoff in the spring, we needed another fundraiser for the Chapter and because we received such a tremendous response to this program, we have been able to sell much of this merchandise and raise money for the Chapter.

Here is what we do with your donations:

  1. Donate items to high school fly fishing clubs to allow them to teach fly tying and fishing
  2. Donate items to the Boy Scouts so that they can build their own fly rods and tie flies
  3. Materials have been used in our fly tying class’s so that the classes remain free of charge to participants
  4. We use the rods (spinning and fly) in our casting class’s fishing programs.
  5. The materials are used in our Service Partnership program to allow the participants to tie their own flies and building their own rods.
  6. We lend our gear to individuals to use if they need an extra set up for family or friends or just to try to see if they like it.
  7. We have an extensive library of books that include many rare and first additions. Some are signed by the author and are available to sign out by our members.  The James V. Brown library purged their fishing related books and we were fortunate to have been the recipient of this donation.  We also receive many books from private individuals and our collection is quite large.
  8. Everything that we have is available for sale at prices that you can not find anywhere else.  Whether you need materials to tie your own flies, build a rod or just some gear to add to your already growing collection, we probably have it and our prices can not be matched anywhere. If you need something let us know because we probably have it.

If you have anything that you would like to give to the Chapter or  recycle, please contact us at You can also bring items to any Chapter meeting or event.  A receipt will be given to you showing your donation and fair market value of the items so that you can use your donations toward your taxes.

Some of the things that have been donated to the Chapter include:  all types of fishing rods and reels, fly tying supplies and tools,  numerous rod cases, maps, books, movies and DVD’s, Lure Making Equipment, Rod building materials and equipment, coolers, lures, flies, waders, a float tube, patches, tackle box’s, And Much More!!!!

6 thoughts on “Donations and Recyling of Fishing Gear”

  1. My dad has some fly and spinning rods and reels that he would like to donate. He is 82 and we live in York, PA. How can we get them to you?


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